Bellybean - The versatile pregnancy & breast-feeding pillow

Pregnancy & breastfeeding versatility

  • lovingly created for pregnant women with thoughtful design by another (formerly) pregnant, sleep-deprived, aching woman
  • embodies compassion, empathy and supreme versatility, with multiple uses throughout your pregnancy and beyond
  • comforting back and belly support for side sleeping
  • relieving and restful knee and belly support when hugging the pillow to your body lengthwise
  • doubles as a cosy feeding pillow, alleviating strain on your arms and shoulders by assisting with safely supporting your baby’s weight
  • light, compact design affords you the luxurious freedom of comfortable travel - pack it in your suitcase for holidays or use it as a convenient back support for long journeys

In addition to its main use as a comforting back and belly support for side-sleeping, it can also be used for knee support by hugging the pillow to your body lengthways, with one end cradling your tummy and the other between your legs. Your Bellybean will continue to be a relieving comfort for you when it doubles as a cosy feeding pillow. Alleviate strain on your arms and shoulders, and allow the Bellybean maternity pillow to assist with safely supporting your baby’s weight.